Al-Quds Open University was named after our eternal capital and upholds the Palestinian dream of independence and freedom in a state with its capital of al-Quds. The University has always nurtured the aspirations of its students on the road to progress and prosperity and continues to perform this role through this electronic site dedicated to its graduates.
We welcome you to the Alumni Portal, which supports communication and interaction with al-Quds Open University graduates. The Portal forms an intrinsic part of the University's responsibilities towards its students. This responsibility does not end with the graduation of the student, but continues via follow-up, the provision of all types of services, and the measurement of impact and feedback as indicators for development and future decision making.
The Alumni Portal has been established to serve Al-Quds University graduates from all regions and districts of the homeland. At the present time there are more than 60,000 people who qualify for membership in the Alumni Portal.